36801 ~ 36900

  1. I step forward to receive my prize.

  2. The police have asked for witnesses of the accident to step forward to help with enquiries.
    警察让事件的目击者站出来, 为调查者提供帮助。

  3. The police are reluctant to step in.

  4. Father stepped in and forbade me to go camping.
    父亲干涉, 禁止我去野营。

  5. We had to step in mud over our ankles.

  6. Step inside. Let’s get something to eat.

  7. After graduation John stepped into his father’s shoes to become a lawyer.
    约翰毕业后便继承了他父亲的衣钵, 当了一名律师。

  8. His assistant stepped into the breach when the old surgeon was unable to go on with the operation.
    当那位老外科医生不能继续动手术时, 他的助手接替他将手术进行了下去。

  9. Be careful how you step off; it’s a long way from the ground.
    当心你怎么离开, 那离地面太高。

  10. As the hero stepped off the platform, he was surrounded by several children with bouquets.
    当英雄走下讲台时, 已被几名手持花束的儿童围住了。

  11. Step off twenty feet and then place a marker in the ground.
    先步测20英尺, 再在地上做出标记。

  12. The men stepped off in good spirits.

  13. Mind where you put your feet; you could step on some broken glass.
    注意脚底下, 你可能会踩在碎玻璃上。

  14. He’s the first man to step foot on the moon.

  15. It’s difficult to avoid stepping on her sensitive feelings.

  16. I don’t think he stepped on your toes on purpose.

  17. I shall step on her very firmly if she interrupts me again.
    如果她再来打扰我, 我要毫不客气地斥责她。

  18. Step out, you still have a long way to go.
    加快步伐, 你还得走很长一段路呢。

  19. He’s not in the office; he’s just stepped out for a breath of fresh air.
    他不在办公室, 他刚刚出去呼吸新鲜空气。

  20. She’s really stepping out these days, isn’t she?
    这些日子她过得非常开心, 难道不是吗?

  21. I hear she’s been stepping out almost every weekend.

  22. Step out ten feet and then put a marker in the ground.
    步测十英尺, 然后在地上做出标记。

  23. No one told him that she had been stepping out on him for over a year.

  24. He’s just stepped outside for a breath of fresh air.

  25. If you care to step outside, we can settle this.
    如果你愿意出去比试比试, 我们一会儿就能把问题解决了。

  26. Would you like to step over to my office? I have a suggestion that may be to your advantage.

  27. We had to step over piles of broken bricks when we went to see our new house being built.
    当我们去看正在建造的新房时, 必须小心地走过一堆堆碎砖头。

  28. The chairman stepped up and declared the meeting open.
    主席登上讲台, 宣布开会。

  29. He stepped up to me to ask his way to the station.

  30. The teacher called Dabao to step up the platform.

  31. The girl stepped up to school.

  32. He has stepped up into the management of the firm.

  33. When John found he was going to be late, he stepped up his pace.
    约翰发现要迟到了, 就加大步伐。

  34. The tempo has been stepped up.

  35. He lives with his mother and stepfather.

  36. When she married Tom, she became stepmother to his child.
    她和汤姆结婚后, 她成了他的孩子的继母。

  37. Stereos have been the ordinary household products.

  38. A mule is a sterile animal.

  39. An operating theatre should be a sterile environment.

  40. The value of sterling has risen.

  41. We all admire her sterling qualities.

  42. They are very stern in their discipline.

  43. Stew the pears in red wine for a couple of hours.

  44. She prepared a hearty stew for dinner.

  45. There’s no need to get in a stew.

  46. We pressed the buzzer in our cabin and a steward arrived instantly.
    我们按了客舱的呼叫器, 一个乘务员马上来了。

  47. He’s the steward of the club.

  48. If you need help, stewardesses will be pleased to help you.
    如果你需要帮忙的话, 服务员会很高兴为你效劳。

  49. What’s wrong with this stamp?It won’t stick.

  50. The key sticks in the lock.

  51. She stuck fork into the meat.

  52. I can’t stick her.

  53. I can’t stick waiting around.

  54. He picked up sticks to make a fire.

  55. The farmer saw the boys off with a heavy stick.

  56. Why don’t you stick around?

  57. You must stick at it if you want to succeed.
    如果你想成功的话, 你就必须坚持下去。

  58. I never stick at small difficulties.

  59. The two lovers pledged to stick by each other in fair weather or foul.
    两个情人立下海誓山盟, 风风雨雨, 永不变心。

  60. Just stick it down anywhere you like.

  61. This is a proverb and you ought to stick it down and learn it by heart.
    这是条谚语, 你得把它抄下来记熟。

  62. I told him to stick in and pass the exam.
    我告诉他用功学习, 争取考试及格。

  63. Stick the boot in, pal!
    朋友, 用靴子踢!

  64. Have you stuck all the family photographs in the book yet?

  65. He stuck his hand in his pocket and leaned back.

  66. I’ve stuck a needle in my finger!

  67. He went there to ask her pardon, but the words stuck in his throat.
    他去那儿请她原谅, 但话儿却梗在喉头说不出来。

  68. Although he accepted our criticism, it still stuck in his throat.
    虽然他接受了我们的批评, 但还是耿耿于怀。

  69. I can’t get this photograph off the page; it’s stuck on.
    这张照片是粘在上面的, 我弄不下来。

  70. Please don’t stick the stamp on; I like to collect them.
    请不要帖上这些邮票, 我要集邮的。

  71. I put the lid on the pot, but the water is boiling so fiercely that it won’t stick on.
    我把壶盖盖上了, 可水沸腾得太猛, 盖不住。

  72. I hope you aren’t going to stick on the question of money.

  73. Someone has stuck a label on the crate.

  74. Your hair is sticking out in the back.

  75. An arm was sticking out from the hole.

  76. Someone stuck a leg out and tripped me up.
    有人伸出一条腿, 把我绊倒了。

  77. He is determined to stick out the race even if he finishes last.
    他下定决心即使跑最后一名, 也要坚持跑完。

  78. The accused person stuck out that he was innocent of the crime.

  79. The men are sticking out for higher wages.

  80. He sticks out a mile to be very friendly with us.

  81. His criticism stuck out a mile to aim at us.

  82. The dinner is formal, if you don’t wear the correct clothes you’ll stick out like a sore thumb.
    宴会是正式的, 如果你着装不当, 会显得很不得体。

  83. If we let him look after the money, I’m afraid much of it will stick to his fingers.
    如果把钱交由他保管, 恐怕大部分都要被他侵吞掉。

  84. You must stick to your promise.

  85. Stick to the task until it is finished.
    坚持下去, 直到完成任务。

  86. Stick close to me and you won’t get lost.

  87. The gum stuck to my fingers.

  88. Nobody agreed with him but he stuck to his colours.
    没人同意他, 但他坚持自己的观点。

  89. Her hair keeps sticking up no matter how often she combs it.
    不管她怎么勤梳头, 她的头发总是竖着。

  90. Can’t you stick up for yourself sometimes?

  91. Stick up for the principles.

  92. Fred stuck with his homework until it was done.
    弗雷德继续做他的作业, 直到做完为止。

  93. Stick with me until we get out of the crowd.
    在我们走出人群前, 不要离开我。

  94. There is a sheet of stiff cardboard in the drawer.

  95. The clay is very stiff; we must make it thinner with water.
    这粘土非常稠, 我们须用水使它变得稀一些。

  96. The old man’s joints were stiff.

  97. The lawyer nodded a stiff greeting.

  98. Their manner was rather stiff.

  99. I need a stiff whisky.

  100. He suffered a stiff punishment.