41501 ~ 41600

  1. I wish I could wake her up to the danger she is in.

  2. It is time I woke up to myself.I’ve wasted too much time fooling around, and I almost ruined my career.
    我该清醒认识自己了。我无所事事浪费了太多的时间, 差点毁了我的事业。

  3. She woke up to the problems of growing old.

  4. He wakened at 7 o’clock.

  5. What time are you going to waken him?

  6. The book wakened the reader’s interest.

  7. Nature seems to be wakened from a dead sleep.

  8. We must waken the people to the dangers facing our country.

  9. The baby can’t walk yet.

  10. The old man walked five miles every morning.

  11. He walked slow and lame.

  12. The trainer is walking his dogs.

  13. Uncle Tom looked hot after his walk.
    在步行之后, 汤姆叔叔看来很热。

  14. It’s a long walk to the station.

  15. He ran, and then slowed down to a walk.
    他跑着, 然后放慢速度步行。

  16. The walk was covered with leaves.

  17. The boys are walking on air because their team won the game.
    男孩子们喜气洋洋, 因为他们队在比赛中赢了。

  18. During Christmas everybody treads on air.

  19. He walked about in order to keep warm.

  20. Is it safe for the President to walk about without a guard?

  21. And then, they say, no spirit can walk abroad.
    他们说那时候, 没有一个鬼魂可以出外行走。

  22. Violence walks abroad in our great cities.
    在我们的大城市里, 暴力行为到处蔓延。

  23. After a while the police walked away.

  24. He put his arm round me and walked me away.
    他伸出手臂搂着我, 带我走开。

  25. Why did you walk away from me like that?H ave I said words to offend you?

  26. He walked away from all his competitors in the 3000-meter race.
    在3000米赛跑中, 他遥遥领先于他的对手们。

  27. He walked away from the shipwreck.

  28. Why didn’t you walk away with your father when he left?Y ou didn’t have to stay.
    你父亲离开时, 你为什么不和他一块儿走呢?你并不是非留下不可。

  29. Someone has walked away with her umbrella.

  30. With two top players absent, our City Football Team still walked away with the game.
    在两名主力队员缺席的情况下, 我们的市足球队仍轻易地获得了这场比赛的胜利。

  31. I missed the last bus home, and had to walk back.
    我错过了末班车, 只得走回家。

  32. Don’t worry about going home in the dark and Jim will walk you back.
    别怕在黑天回家, 吉姆将送你回去。

  33. You won’t need a ticket—just walk in.
    你不需要票, 直接进去吧。

  34. While we were out, somebody walked in and stole the jewels!
    我们出去时, 有人溜进了屋子偷走了珠宝!

  35. With your background, you should walk in to that job.
    有你这样的背景, 你会轻而易举地获得那份工作。

  36. I saw her walking into a shop.

  37. While we were out, somebody just walked into the house and stole the jewels!
    我们出去时, 有人进入房子把珠宝偷走了!

  38. I got this lump on my head by walking into a glass door that I hadn’t seen.
    我走路时碰在了一扇没看见的玻璃门上, 头上肿起一块。

  39. It was his own fault; he just walked into the blow.
    他是因为不小心才挨了那一击, 是他自己的错。

  40. He has just walked into the job without any problem.

  41. That boy walked into the meal as if he hadn’t seen food for a week.
    那个男孩子狼吞虎咽地吃饭, 好像他一个星期没见到食物了。

  42. He walked into us all when we least expected it.

  43. A doctor and a street cleaner are in different walks of life.

  44. We said good-bye, then he turned and walked off without another word.
    我们说了声“再见”, 他便转身离去, 没再说一句话。

  45. Several hundreds of office workers in that company walked off their jobs in a wage dispute.

  46. The policeman walked John off.

  47. He is determined to walk off some of his fat this week.

  48. I took the children to the zoo and they walked me off my legs.
    我带着孩子们去了动物园, 他们让我走得疲惫不堪。

  49. The burglars walked off with all my jewelry.

  50. Don’t tell me Jim has walked off with the top prize as usual!

  51. The new young singer has simply walked off with the show.

  52. Let’s walk on a bit further before we stop to eat.

  53. The leading actor now walked on.

  54. I didn’t have much to do in the play; I just walked on in the second act.
    我在剧中的戏不多, 仅仅是在第二幕中扮演一个小角色。

  55. I like walking on grass.

  56. Why do you let him walk on you like that all the time?

  57. She always walks on eggshells around her boss.
    在老板身边, 她总是小心翼翼的。

  58. The man who has just walked out is Tom.

  59. The men in that factory walked out yesterday.

  60. At that meeting one of the delegates walked out in protest.

  61. Representatives of six nations walked out to show their opposition to the vote.

  62. She walked the child out.

  63. During the first weeks of basic training recruits are not permitted to walk out.
    在最初几周的基本训练时间内, 新兵不得请假外出。

  64. John and Mary are walking out together.

  65. So you are walking out on the job, aren’t you?
    那么, 你打算不干了, 是吗?

  66. His wife walked out on him, and was later seen in a neighboring city with another man.
    他的妻子抛弃了他, 而后有人在附近的一个城市看到她和另一个男人在一起。

  67. The government has been charged with walking out on its election promises.

  68. You can’t walk out on the contract, or you could be taken to court.
    你不可违反合同, 否则你会被起诉。

  69. Half the committee walked out on the chairman while he was still speaking.
    当主席仍在讲话时, 委员会的半数成员便离席以示抗议。

  70. Walk over and look in the window.

  71. Let’s not take the car, we can easily walk over.
    我们不用坐车, 走着去很方便。

  72. I’ll walk you over to your place, and you shouldn’t go alone on such a dark night.
    我将把你送到你住的地方, 你不应该在如此漆黑的夜晚单独走。

  73. Those parents and teachers walked over young children.

  74. He would walk over other people to get what he wanted.

  75. Jones simply walked over Brown at billiards.
    在弹子游戏中, 琼斯不费吹灰之力赢了布朗。

  76. Shall we walk round to your aunt’s house, or take the car?
    我们是走着去你婶婶家, 还是坐汽车去呢?

  77. Why don’t you walk the dog round for half an hour or so?I t’ll give you some exercise, and probably calm you.
    你怎么不带着狗儿去遛半小时左右呢?这可以使你锻炼一下身体, 或许会使你平静下来。

  78. I’m sorry I’m late; it took me so long to walk through the deep snow.
    很抱歉我来迟了, 在深雪中行走花了我好长的时间。

  79. John walked through his driving test.

  80. She merely walked through the part.

  81. Tom walked through a test, and went out to play.

  82. The path is too narrow for two people to walk together.
    这条路太窄, 两个人不能并行。

  83. It’s unusual for people of such different political opinions to be able to walk together.

  84. As the hillside was covered with snow, we had to walk up carefully.
    山坡积雪, 我们不得不小心翼翼地向上走。

  85. Walk up, walk up!See the strongest man on earth!
    请进, 请进!请看世界上力大无比的大力士!

  86. If you walk up the street, you’ll see many shops.
    如果你沿街走去, 就能看到许多商店。

  87. A stranger walked up to me and asked me the time.
    一个陌生人走到我跟前, 问我时间。

  88. I’ll walk with you as far as the bus stop.

  89. That race was just a walkaway for my horse.

  90. They glided along the wall until they were out of sight.

  91. He fastened the calendar to a wall.

  92. I should hate to be confined within the four walls of an office all day.

  93. We’re going to wall the garden.

  94. They walled off the large prison into lots of very small cells.

  95. This room is walled off from the rest of the house.

  96. Let’s wall the prisoner up in the castle.

  97. I think we should wall up the fireplace.

  98. Her eyes were walled up by the bandit.

  99. Someone has stolen my wallet from my back pocket.

  100. Are there walnuts in this sauce?