6701 ~ 6800

  1. After much talk they came to an agreement.
    经过多次商谈, 他们达成了协议。

  2. The car skidded off the road and came to rest in a field.
    汽车滑出公路, 在田里停了下来。

  3. These troubles came along all at the same time that I was at a loss.
    这些麻烦突然一起发生, 使我不知所措。

  4. Computer technology has come a long way since the 1970s.
    自70年代以来, 电脑技术有了很大的发展。

  5. This great prediction is coming true.

  6. He had come to see the problem in a new light.

  7. The buttons came unfastened.

  8. The flood came about as a result of the heavy spring rains.

  9. The ship came about and headed for safety.

  10. Why don’t you come across to our house this evening?

  11. He spoke for a long time but his meaning did not come across.
    他讲了很久, 但没把意思讲明白。

  12. I don’t think he’ll ever come across with all the information.

  13. The robber told the woman to come across with her purse.

  14. Be careful when you come across the street.

  15. I came across him in the street yesterday.

  16. A good idea came across my mind.

  17. The papers were stored away in a secret place, and there they will probably remain until they are come across by someone who realized their importance.
    文件被藏在一个秘密地方, 在没有了解它的价值的人发现以前, 它大概会一直放在那里。

  18. When Mr. Smith mentioned money, they came alive.
    史密斯先生一提到钱, 他们的精神就为之一振。

  19. The president came alive in the picture as the artist worked.

  20. He came along with some friends.

  21. I began to come along well in English after I improved my study methods.
    改进了学习方法以后, 我的英语开始有所进步。

  22. Come along or we’ll miss the train.
    快点, 不然就会赶不上火车。

  23. Come along, someone must want to know my invention.
    再努力想想看, 肯定会有人对我的发明感兴趣。

  24. He says that the cup came apart in his hands, but I think he must have dropped it.
    他说杯子是在他手里碎的, 但我想一定是他摔碎的。

  25. The camera just came apart the first time I used it.
    我第一次使用这台照相机时, 它就裂开了。

  26. The wind has come around to the north.

  27. We had to come around by the wheat fields.

  28. I think he’ll come around eventually.

  29. Don’t expect too much of me.I need time to come around to this new idea.

  30. Late duty for each member of the staff comes around every ten days.

  31. He got faint, but soon came around.
    他昏死过去, 但不久就苏醒了。

  32. He’s very angry now; wait till he comes around.
    他现在正在气头上, 等他气消了再说吧。

  33. Why don’t you come around and see us one evening?

  34. Don’t come at me, I did nothing that day.
    别冲我来, 我那天什么也没做。

  35. After much discussion we came at a conclusion satisfactory to all.
    经过充分讨论, 我们得出了大家都很满意的结论。

  36. It was a long time before we came at the truth.

  37. I’m going away and I may never come back.
    我要走了, 可能永远不再回来。

  38. Gradually, the fragments of her childhood came back to her.
    渐渐地, 她回忆起了童年生活的一些片断。

  39. “But you’re just as guilty!”Jane came back.

  40. He came back at the judge with some sharp questions.

  41. I didn’t hear you. Could you come back?
    我没听见你说的什么, 你能重复一遍吗?

  42. I’ll come back to that point later.

  43. He came back to earth when the teacher told him to pay more attention.
    当老师告诉他要认真的时候, 他回到了现实中来。

  44. Don’t let a little thing like that come between you two.

  45. The true artist lets nothing come between himself and his work.

  46. Just then a bus came by so we got on and rode home.
    正好那时来了一辆公车, 我们就坐上车回家了。

  47. Why don’t you come by some afternoon and have coffee with me?

  48. He came by the data from various sources.

  49. Money that is easily come by is often easily spent.

  50. The culprit came clean after long questioning.
    经过长时间审讯后, 那罪犯坦白了。

  51. The plane came down safely in spite of the mist.
    尽管有雾, 飞机还是安全着陆了。

  52. I watched the climbers come down into the valley.

  53. That old building is coming down next year.

  54. This ring has come down from my great-grandmother.

  55. When father’s business failed, the family came down.
    父亲的生意失败以后, 家里就败落了。

  56. She came down last year and settled in the village.

  57. He came down with pneumonia last week.
    上星期, 他得肺炎病倒了。

  58. Things like this don’t come down on one suddenly.

  59. He had come down to begging when his father found him.
    他父亲找到他时, 他已沦为乞丐。

  60. Their quarrel comes down to money.

  61. He came down to earth when the teacher told him to pay more attention.
    当老师告诉他要认真的时候, 他回到了现实中来。

  62. I saw the big dog coming for me.

  63. His cousin just came for him.

  64. They came from all parts of the country.

  65. What part of South America did she come from?

  66. She came from a long line of singers.

  67. Knowledge comes from practice.

  68. Twenty years later his son made the same choice and the wheel came full circle.
    20年后, 他的儿子作出了同样的选择, 所有一切又转回到原来的地方。

  69. This voice came home to them.

  70. It eventually came home to people that the war would be long and bloody.

  71. The door opened and the teacher came in.
    门开了, 老师走了进来。

  72. As soon as the fresh vegetables come in, we put them on sale.
    新鲜蔬菜一到, 我们就上架开卖。

  73. The children got ashore before the tide came in.
    涨潮前, 孩子们就上岸了。

  74. The party came in at the last election.

  75. It’s coming in chilly; we had better go home.
    天冷了, 咱们还是回家吧。

  76. She came in for a sum of money when her father died.
    当她父亲去世时, 她接受了一大笔钱。

  77. A few more traveler’s checks may come in handy on holiday.
    多带几张旅行支票, 度假时会有用的。

  78. Would you come into the bar and have a drink with me?

  79. Several new members have come into the club since last year.
    自去年以来, 又有些新成员加入了俱乐部。

  80. When did the Roman Empire come into being?

  81. The contract will come into effect upon signature.

  82. New companies come into existence every year.

  83. Long skirts have come into fashion again.

  84. The new law comes into force from the day of its promulgation.

  85. I love this time of year when all the trees are coming into leaf.
    我喜欢一年中的这个时候, 所有的树木都在长叶子。

  86. Mother has come into her own since the children left home, and she is making a new life for herself.
    孩子们离家后, 母亲没有了牵挂, 她正在创造一种新的生活。

  87. The scientific study of dreams has not yet come into its own.

  88. The new law will come into operation by midnight tomorrow.

  89. All your faculties have come into play in your work.
    在你的工作中, 你的全部才能已起到了作用。

  90. That method has only recently come into use.

  91. This comes of you not listening to me.

  92. He will come of age a week from today.

  93. He made several attempts but none of them came off.
    他进行了几次尝试, 但却没成功。

  94. He came off well by comparison with the others.
    跟别人相比, 他表现好。

  95. John picked a fight with Jack and came off worst.
    约翰寻衅和杰克打架, 结果大吃其苦。

  96. The soldiers came on in the face of heavy fire.

  97. You go first.I’ll come on in a minute.
    你先走, 我随后就来。

  98. The cooling unit hasn’t come on yet.

  99. The new man doesn’t come on till midnight.

  100. The new play comes on tomorrow.