18201 ~ 18300

  1. I had to hunt through all my drawers looking for the old photograph.

  2. You’ll have to hunt up the word in the dictionary.

  3. From the reports of guns we knew that hunters must be nearby.

  4. The hunting of animals is not allowed in this area.

  5. The huntsman sent a beater ahead to scare out the partridge.

  6. The huntsman was whipping in his pack of hounds.

  7. In starting a new company, many hurdles must be crossed.
    刚开办一个公司时, 必须克服许多障碍。

  8. The runner hurdled the fence.

  9. The young track and field athlete could already hurl the discus 60 yards.

  10. He hurled curses at the unfortunate man who had made the mistake.

  11. The strong wind was hurling bits of wood aboutas though they were toys.
    大风把木片掷来掷去, 就好像它们是玩具似的。

  12. Hurling his arms and legs about wildly, he kept afloat but wasted much effort.
    他用胳膊和腿在水中乱划, 这样虽可以漂浮, 但却白费了许多力气。

  13. As soon as he won all that money, he started hurling it about and soon there was none left.
    他一赢得那笔钱就挥霍起来, 不久便身无分文了。

  14. The club leader was dismissed for trying to hurl his weight about, which the young people refused to accept.
    俱乐部的领导被赶下台了, 因为他总是滥用自己的权力, 而年轻人却不吃那一套。

  15. The strong wind was hurling bits of wood around as though they were toys.
    大风把木片掷来掷去, 就好像它们是玩具似的。

  16. Hurling his arms and legs around wildly, he kept afloat but wasted much effort.
    他用胳膊和腿在水中乱划, 这样虽可以漂浮, 但却白费了许多力气。

  17. As soon as he won all that money, he started hurling it around and soon there was none left.
    他一赢得那笔钱就挥霍起来, 不久便身无分文了。

  18. The club leader was dismissed for trying to hurl his weight around, which the young people refused to accept.
    俱乐部的领导被赶下台了, 因为他总是滥用自己的权力, 而年轻人却不吃那一套。

  19. I hurled a lance at him.

  20. The men hurled a bomb at the restaurant from their car.

  21. Grace ought to be ashamed of herself, hurling herself at that boy so openly.
    格雷斯这样公开地追求那个小伙子, 真应该感到害臊。

  22. They hurled abuse and insults at the speaker.

  23. The soldier picked up the unexploded bomb and hurled it away into the safety of the forest.
    那个士兵捡起没有爆炸的炸弹, 把它扔到森林中的安全地带。

  24. Fancy hurling away a good chance like that, the silly girl!
    想想她竟然把这样一个好机会白白丢掉了, 真是个傻姑娘!

  25. The strong wind hurled down bits of the roof.

  26. When you get to the top, hurl the rope down, will you?

  27. When he heard the bomb whistling down, Jim hurled himself down on the floor with his hands over his head.
    听到炸弹的呼啸落地声, 吉姆双手抱着头, 迅速趴在地板上。

  28. The soldier hurled the bomb into the enemy gun post.

  29. The boat rocked wildly, hurling him into the water.
    这艘船剧烈地晃动, 把他甩到水中。

  30. The criminal was hurled into prison for his terrible crimes.

  31. We hurled all the men we had into the battle.

  32. The villagers hurled all possible effort into rebuilding the bombed houses.

  33. The best cure for unhappiness is to hurl yourself into your work.

  34. Jane really hurls herself into learning any new song, doesn’t she?
    对任何新歌, 简都会一心一意去学, 对吗?

  35. I’ll hurl you out of the company if you dare say the secret!
    如果你敢把这个秘密说出去, 我就会把你逐出公司。

  36. The committee hurled out the requests as being completely unsuitable.
    委员会认为这项要求全然不妥, 因而拒绝接受。

  37. We’ve done it!Hurrah!

  38. The hurricane blew with such force that trees were uprooted.
    飓风强烈地刮着, 树都被连根拔起了。

  39. I can’t enjoy a hurried breakfast; I like to take my time over it.
    我不喜欢匆匆地用早餐, 我愿意从容不迫。

  40. Let’s hurry a bit, we are far behind them.
    咱们得快点, 咱们比他们落后多了。

  41. If we hurry the work, it may be spoiled.
    要是我们匆忙地把工作干完, 可能会把事情弄糟。

  42. The salesman hurried the customer to make a choice.

  43. Don’t drive so fast; there’s no hurry.
    不要开这么快, 不必急急忙忙的。

  44. We hurried along for fear we should be late.
    我们赶着往前走, 唯恐会迟到。

  45. He hurried away in the opposite direction.

  46. Hurry back, won’t you? We’re waiting for the result.

  47. He hurried down to help us get across the river.

  48. She is hurrying for the conference.

  49. Hurry forward there, please—there are people waiting behind you.
    请赶快向前面移动一下, 你后面还有人等着呢。

  50. The policeman hurried the crowd forward because they were blocking the scene of the accident.
    那警察催促人群移动, 因为他们阻塞了事故现场。

  51. Hurry in, children, it’s raining!
    快进来, 孩子们, 下雨了!

  52. They hurried into the city to say good-bye to us.

  53. Can you hurry the rest of the crowd into the theater? The performance is about to start!
    你能不能叫其他的观众赶快进入剧场, 演出就要开始了。

  54. Too many young people hurry into marriage without considering the responsibilities.
    有太多的年轻人不考虑他们要负的责任, 就匆匆忙忙地结婚了。

  55. It’s no good hurrying into learning the piano; it’s a long slow job.
    匆匆忙忙是学不好钢琴的, 弹好钢琴不是一朝一夕之功。

  56. Her parents are trying to hurry her into marriage.

  57. Don’t try to hurry me into writing that letter, it’s not so urgent.
    不要催我写那封信, 这事儿可不那么急。

  58. I won’t be hurried into a decision; you’ll just have to wait!
    我不会匆忙作出决定的, 你等等吧!

  59. She hurried off without a word.

  60. The prisoners were hurried off before the reporters could have a chance to speak to them.
    记者们还没来得及跟囚犯们讲话, 他们就被匆忙带走了。

  61. He hurried his clothes on and left.

  62. “Oh, but you didn’t, ” she hurried on, “But why did you?”
    “噢, 但你却没那么做。”她急匆匆地说道, “可你为什么不呢?”

  63. Hurry up! Or we’ll be late getting to the station.

  64. Ask him to hurry up with those letters so that we can send them off today.
    让他快把信写好, 我们好今天发出去。

  65. Hurry her up! We are all waiting for her.
    叫她快点, 我们都在等她呢!

  66. please hurry up the dinner.

  67. We needn’t hurry with our meeting.

  68. He hurt his leg while playing football.

  69. I didn’t hurt your pride on purpose.

  70. My feet hurt when I walk.

  71. It won’t hurt to postpone the matter for a few days.

  72. I am sure smoking hurts you.

  73. No one suffered any hurt in the accident.

  74. It was a severe hurt to her pride.

  75. The experience left me with a feeling of deep hurt.

  76. There is no need to make such hurtful remarks.

  77. Rocks hurtled down the cliffs.

  78. Have you met her husband?

  79. They lived together as husband and wife for years.
    他们结为夫妇, 共同生活了很多年。

  80. It was very sad when husbands and wives quarreled with each other.

  81. The mother hushed her noisy child.

  82. A hush fell over the onlookers.

  83. The President tried to hush up the fact that his adviser had lied.

  84. He was spitting out the husks of sunflower seeds on the floor.

  85. Her voice was husky with anger.

  86. He is a husky boy.

  87. Alaskan huskies pull dogsleds.

  88. I hustled the children off to school.

  89. He hustled me into buying the car.

  90. Jenny was exhausted by the hustle of city life.

  91. The poor old man lived in a little wooden hut.

  92. This machine uses the hydroelectric power.

  93. Hydrogen combines chemically with oxygen to form water.

  94. Their course of study includes elementary hygiene and medical theory.

  95. People went to see the movie because of all the hype.

  96. Promoters really hyped the movie.

  97. They’re so lacking in confidence in the attraction of the games they televise that they feel they have to hype up with some hysterical commentator in order to get anyone to watch them.
    他们对于用电视播映比赛的吸引力太缺乏信心, 以至于他们感到必须要用一个说得天花乱坠的讲解员来做实况广播, 以便招揽观众。

  98. In most cases such patients have past histories of hy -pertension.
    在大多数情况下, 这样的病人过去都有高血压的病史。

  99. There are no hard and fast rules about the use of hyphens in English.
    对于连字符号的使用, 英语中没有严格的限制。

  100. You say you care about the poor, but you don’t help them.You hypocrite!
    你说你关怀穷人, 可你并不帮助他们, 你这伪君子!