21001 ~ 21100

  1. When he heard the knock, he ceased writing.
    当他听到敲门声, 就停下来不写了。

  2. Please knock before entering.

  3. The children were knocking the bottom of the box.

  4. The newspapers are too fond of knocking the team.

  5. I’ve knocked about in most parts of the world in my time.

  6. He has knocked about quite a bit.

  7. He’s not yet thirty, but he’s knocked about the world a good deal.
    他还不到30岁, 但他已漫游了世界许多地方。

  8. They said that her husband used to knock her about but they had never heard her complain.
    他们说她丈夫曾对她拳打脚踢, 但从没听她诉过苦。

  9. If that man knocks his wife about any more, he’ll be sent to prison.
    要是那个人还虐待妻子, 他就要被送往监狱。

  10. The poor boy is usually knocked about by his stepfather.

  11. I don’t like the children playing in this room, for fear they knock the furniture about.
    我不喜欢孩子们在这间房子里玩, 因为怕他们把家具打坏了。

  12. It had been a good piano in its time, but it was badly knocked about.
    这本来是一架好钢琴, 但是完全被敲坏了。

  13. You can get some exercise by knocking a ball about a field with a friend.

  14. Is the same chairman still knocking about? I thought he had left years ago.

  15. Have you any scrap iron knocking about?

  16. Jim bought Mary an old car, just for knocking about.
    吉姆给玛丽买了一辆旧车, 就是为了开着玩。

  17. No, it’s not mine; it’s been knocking about the house for years.
    不, 那不是我的, 好几年了这本书就扔在屋里没人管。

  18. I wear these old trousers for knocking about the garden.

  19. Her husband often knocked about with the waitresses and that made her annoyed.
    她丈夫常与女服务生们混在一起, 这令她很生气。

  20. I knocked my head against the doorpost and hurt it.
    我的头撞在门柱上, 撞伤了。

  21. Who do you think I knocked against in the supermarket this morning?
    你猜, 我今天上午在超级市场碰见谁了?

  22. I’ve knocked around in most parts of the world in my time.

  23. He has knocked around quite a bit.

  24. He’s not yet thirty, but he’s knocked around the world a good deal.
    他还不到30岁, 但他已漫游了世界许多地方。

  25. They said that her husband used to knock her around but they had never heard her complain.
    他们说她丈夫曾对她拳打脚踢, 但从没听她诉过苦。

  26. If that man knocks his wife around any more, he’ll be sent to prison.
    要是那个人还虐待妻子, 他就要被送往监狱。

  27. The poor boy is usually knocked around by his stepfather.

  28. I don’t like the children playing in this room, for fear they knock the furniture around.
    我不喜欢孩子们在这间房子里玩, 因为怕他们把家具打坏了。

  29. It had been a good piano in its time, but it was badly knocked around.
    这本来是一架好钢琴, 但是完全被敲坏了。

  30. You can get some exercise by knocking a ball around a field with a friend.

  31. Is the same chairman still knocking around? I thought he had left years ago.

  32. Have you any scrap iron knocking around?

  33. Jim bought Mary an old car, just for knocking around.
    吉姆给玛丽买了一辆旧车, 就是为了开着玩。

  34. No, it’s not mine; it’s been knocking around the house for years.
    不, 那不是我的, 好几年了这本书就扔在屋里没人管。

  35. I wear these old trousers for knocking around the garden.

  36. Her husband often knocked around with the waitresses and that made her annoyed.
    她丈夫常与女服务生们混在一起, 这令她很生气。

  37. He went upstairs and knocked at the door.

  38. Opportunity knocks at the door only once.
    机不可失, 时不再来。

  39. I’ve been knocking away for ages, but nobody has answered the door.
    我敲门敲了老半天, 但无人应门。

  40. Moving quickly from behind the criminal, the policeman was able to knock his gun away.
    警察从罪犯身后扑上去, 打掉了他手中的枪。

  41. He knocked on the wall and she knocked back.
    他敲了敲墙壁, 她在隔壁应声回敲。

  42. How much can you knock back at a time?

  43. He has knocked back two double rums.

  44. How much did that new watch knock you back?

  45. That new dress must have knocked her back a few pounds!

  46. This kind of news knocks you back a bit, doesn’t it?
    这种消息使你有点儿吃惊, 是吗?

  47. Jim will knock your block off if he catches you riding his bike.
    吉姆若抓到你骑他的自行车, 一定会揍你。

  48. He knocked his opponent down with one blow in the competition.

  49. This old fighter has never been knocked down by an opponent.

  50. The portable device easily knocks down.

  51. Knock down the machine before shipping.

  52. Why are they knocking down the wall?

  53. Our house is being knocked down to make way for a new road.

  54. The man was asking £5 for the dress, but I knocked it down to £4.50.
    那件衣服卖主索价5英镑, 但我砍价后以4.5英镑买下了。

  55. The price was knocked down to £3. Perhaps he’ll knock the price down a little if the glass is broken.
    价格降到了三英镑。如果玻璃有破损, 或许他还会再降点儿。

  56. The auctioneer knocked the bureau down to a furniture dealer from York.

  57. A mahogany table was knocked down for five pounds.

  58. A clever lawyer can knock down 40, 000 dollars in a good year.
    如果碰上好运气, 一个精明的律师一年就能赚四万美元。

  59. He wanted to knock down a bank.

  60. She does not want to knock down his self-esteem.

  61. They knocked down the suggestion.

  62. She knocked down forty dollars at a restaurant.

  63. There was a low protecting wall to knock down the heat blasting from the pit of the furnace.

  64. With a sense of great pride, I knocked the last nail in.

  65. Why wa ste valuable teaching time trying to knock in a list of facts, if the children aren’t interested?
    既然孩子们对罗列的事实不感兴趣, 为什么要浪费宝贵的教学时间强行塞给他们呢?

  66. “Is this new man funny, then?”“Funny! The way he tells these jokes will knock them in the aisles!”

  67. Can you knock this nail into the wood?

  68. It takes more skill than it looks to knock the ball into the hole.
    要把球打进洞里看起来算不了什么, 其实很需要技术。

  69. I knocked into my old teacher in the town this morning.

  70. Can’t you knock some sense into that stupid boy’s head?

  71. At the last election, the Government won easily, knocking the Opposition into a cocked hat.
    在上次选举中, 政府挫败了反对党, 轻而易举地取得了胜利。

  72. My mother is such a good cook; she knocks anyone else into a cocked hat.
    我母亲是一个高明的厨师, 远远超过了其他任何人。

  73. She knocked the vase off by accident.

  74. A snowball knocked his hat off.

  75. I’m sorry.I’ve knocked the glass off the table and broken it.
    对不起, 我把桌子上的杯子碰倒打碎了。

  76. Let’s knock off now.

  77. When do you usually knock off for lunch?

  78. You’ve been whistling that same tune all morning. Knock it off, will you?
    整个上午你说来说去都是老一套, 别再讲了, 好不好?

  79. Let’s knock off work early and go to the football game.

  80. My health compels me to knock off work.

  81. If you take both dresses, I’ll knock £2 off.
    你要是两套衣服都买, 我就减价两英镑。

  82. The advertised price was 168 dollars, but the shopkeeper knocked off the odd shillings.
    广告价格是168美元, 但是店主减去了零头。

  83. When he received his money, he found that five shillings had been knocked off for expenses incurred.
    当他收到钱时, 他发现已扣去了五先令的费用。

  84. I’ll knock £3 off the price of the dress if you’ll take both dresses.

  85. Most shopping centers have knocked ten percent off the price.

  86. I can knock off a poem in half an hour.

  87. That composition was knocked off in about two hours after dinner one evening.

  88. I don’t want to knock the old man off; can’t we just tie him up to keep him quiet?
    我不想杀死那老头, 咱们只把他捆起来叫他别做声, 行吗?

  89. The old man who owned the jewels was knocked off by the thieves.

  90. Where did you get all those watches? Did you knock them off?
    那些表是从哪儿来的? 抢的吗?

  91. He was planning to knock off the library.

  92. They knocked off a bank.

  93. You can’t knock me off—I’ve done nothing!
    你们不能抓我, 我什么也没干!

  94. The criminal was tracked down and knocked off by the police.
    那个罪犯被警察追到后, 被逮捕起来了。

  95. I’ve a pile of work to knock off before I can take my holiday.
    在我去度假之前, 还有一大堆事情得干完。

  96. Those boys have knocked off the whole cake!

  97. It looked a big dish, but it was almost knocked off in no time.
    看起来是一大盘菜, 但几乎一下子就扫光了。

  98. Tell me where you’ve been out so late, or I’ll knock your block off.
    告诉我你到哪儿去了, 这么晚才回来, 不说我就揍死你。

  99. Hurry up, you’re late for your call.You’ve been knocked on!
    快点, 已经通知你出场了!

  100. Someone knocked on the door, so I went to answer it.
    有人敲门, 所以我去开门了。