22001 ~ 22100

  1. Let’s speak less and listen more.

  2. I read much less now than I did at school.

  3. With their children growing up, these mothers have become less involved with their families.
    随着孩子长大成人, 这些母亲受家庭拖累就少些。

  4. He was less known than his brother.

  5. I hope the next train will be less crowded than this one.

  6. I was less surprised as I had had this sort of experience.
    因为我有过这样的经验, 所以并不感到怎么惊奇。

  7. Try and speak less indistinctly.

  8. Tomatoes are everywhere in summer but less so in winter.
    夏天到处都有西红柿, 冬天却不是这样。

  9. He comes here less and less.

  10. She looks less and less beautiful.

  11. Have you learnt your lessons?

  12. You should teach him a lesson.

  13. I feared lest I should be late again.

  14. Be careful lest you (should) fall from the tree.
    小心, 不要从树上掉下来。

  15. They let fly a shower of arrows.

  16. Let the door open.

  17. His father doesn’t let him smoke.

  18. We mustn’t let slip such an opportunity.

  19. We’re hoping to let this field.

  20. Mrs. Brown let me a room.

  21. They let rooms to college students.

  22. Let me alone!

  23. We can’t afford a bicycle, let alone a car.
    我们连自行车也买不起, 更不用说汽车了。

  24. I’m so sick today that I couldn’t walk as far as the kitchen, let alone go to the zoo with you.
    我今天病得连厨房那么远都走不动, 更不用说陪你逛动物园了。

  25. He’s the best shot in the world, let alone in England.
    他是世界上最好的射击手, 更不用说在英国了。

  26. Let me by, please.

  27. They let him down on a rope.

  28. Please let down the blinds.

  29. He let himself down slowly by means of a rope.

  30. You can trust Brooks.He’ll never let you down.
    你可以相信布鲁克斯, 他决不会使你失望。

  31. He is a bit let down by the low grade he got.
    这次成绩不好, 他有点气馁。

  32. My brother is very lazy.He just lets grass grow under his feet and never cleans his bedroom.
    我哥哥很懒, 他从不打扫他的卧室。

  33. Open the door and let me in.

  34. Please open the window and let in some fresh air.
    请把窗子打开, 让新鲜空气进来。

  35. The public are usually let in half an hour before the performance begins.

  36. Once the walls of the room are up, let in the ceiling.
    房子四壁一旦支起来, 就把顶篷放下来安好。

  37. The teacher showed us how to cut out part of the surface of the wood and let a pattern in.
    老师让我们看如何把木头的表面部分挖掉一块, 然后把图案镶进去。

  38. The doctors decided that a rubber pipe would have to be let in to enable him to breathe.
    医生们决定得插一个橡皮管进去, 好使他能呼吸。

  39. The chairman refused to let in the possibility of doubt.

  40. His misconduct let in a host of troubles.

  41. His illness has let us in for a lot of extra work.
    他一生病, 给我们增加了不少额外的负担。

  42. I hope you realize what you’re letting yourself in for!

  43. I’ve heard something very funny and I’ll let you in on it after class.
    我听到一件很滑稽的事, 下课后告诉你。

  44. I am going to let him in on the secret.

  45. Who let you into the building?

  46. We have let her into the secret.

  47. She let a piece of lace into her dress.

  48. In order to save space, the back of the boiler had been let into the wall.
    为了节省空间, 锅炉的背部被嵌进墙内。

  49. Don’t touch that wasp.Let it be.
    别碰那黄蜂, 让它飞走。

  50. This train stops to let off passengers on signal.

  51. They let off their guns at the British ships.

  52. We won’t let you off so easily next time.

  53. The engine is letting off steam to relieve the pressure in the boiler.
    机车在放蒸汽, 以减少锅炉的气压。

  54. Would you let me off the bus at the next stop, please?

  55. She let the boy off playing piano.

  56. He let off steam by yelling at a clerk.
    他对一个职员大喊大叫, 借以发泄怒气。

  57. After six months of hard study, he felt the need to let off a little steam.
    辛勤学习六个月之后, 他感到有必要轻松一下。

  58. Don’t let on about this meeting.

  59. Don’t ever let on to know me.

  60. She never let on that she had met him.

  61. Don’t let on to Kehr that we are going to the movie tonight.We don’t want her to know.
    我们今晚去看电影的事别告诉凯尔, 我们不想让她知道。

  62. Imes, just let your hair down and tell me all about it.
    艾姆斯, 把全部内容都坦率地说出来吧。

  63. Let your hair down and enjoy yourself at the party.
    在晚会上别拘束, 尽情享受一下。

  64. At the party she just let herself go and had a great time.
    她在晚会上纵情欢乐, 过得十分愉快。

  65. He’s let himself go since Cage died.
    自从凯奇死后, 他变得不修边幅了。

  66. Please let the water out of the bathtub.

  67. The wounded man let out a cry of pain.

  68. If he was given five years’ imprisonment, he could be let out after three years.
    要是他被判五年徒刑, 他就可能在三年后出狱。

  69. Don’t trouble to see me to the door. I’ll let myself out.
    别麻烦送我出门了, 我会自己出去的。

  70. He used to let out cars by the day.

  71. These boats are let out by the hour.

  72. Don’t let the fire out, will you?
    别让火熄灭, 好吗?

  73. “The regular teacher is back, isn’t he?”“Good, that lets me out!”
    “那位正式教员回来了, 对吗?”“好哇, 那我就算解脱了。”

  74. I was glad to be let out of that nasty affair, and have someone more experienced handle the trouble.
    我真高兴能从那件棘手的事情中解脱出来, 让更有经验的人去对付那个难题。

  75. Cass let out in all directions but his attackers were too strong for him.
    卡斯左踢右打, 但攻击他的人比他厉害得多。

  76. He let out wildly at the thief.

  77. When does your school let out?

  78. Someone had let the news out.

  79. Mary accidentally let out that her mother had telephoned.

  80. Jane let out where she had hidden her father’s birthday present.

  81. I shall let that remark past.

  82. I’ve just let things slide, I’m afraid.

  83. She hasn’t been feeling well lately and she let the housework slide.
    她近来一直感到不适, 对家务也就随它去了。

  84. Don’t let the opportunity slip.

  85. She let slip that she had not paid her tax.

  86. We tried to keep the party a surprise for my mother but my sister let the cat out of the bag.
    我们原打算来一个晚会使妈妈意想不到, 但我妹妹泄露了秘密。

  87. Open the gate and let the crowd through.
    把大门打开, 让人们过去。

  88. Although not completely satisfied, the committee let the report through.
    委员会对这份报告虽不十分满意, 但还是让它通过了。

  89. Open the curtains to let some light through the window.
    拉开窗帘, 让光线透进来。

  90. Although not completely satisfied, they let the report through the first stage.
    他们对报告虽不十分满意, 但还是让它通过了一审。

  91. Facer was let through the examination, but warned to improve his study.
    费塞虽然通过了考试, 但也受到警告要提高他的学业水平。

  92. The student’s here; shall I let him up?
    那个学生来了, 我让他上楼吗?

  93. When he was with her, his nerve never let up.
    和她在一起, 他总是感到很激动。

  94. Mother thought the pain would never let up.

  95. We have overspent.We’ll have to let up our expenditures next month.
    我们已经超支了, 下个月一定得节约开支。

  96. Let up on Jane.She is sick.
    对简宽容点, 她病了。

  97. We can’t let up on our efforts to compete with other more successful firms.
    在同其他那些更兴隆的公司竞争中, 我们丝毫松懈不得。

  98. You can avoid all kinds of trouble by letting well alone.

  99. A hammer can be a lethal weapon.

  100. Your letter reached me this morning.