13601 ~ 13700

  1. The lights flashed out and the night became day.
    灯光一闪, 夜晚就变为白天。

  2. “And don’t speak to me like that!”she flashed out.

  3. Lightning flashed through the air.

  4. The thought flashed through my mind that he could be lying.

  5. The teacher flashed up each word to see if the children would recognize it.

  6. The juggler juggled three flasks.

  7. We don’t have flat land in this region.

  8. It is a flat weekend.

  9. The car was going flat out at 120 mph.

  10. I am working flat out to get this job finished by next week.
    我正在竭尽全力地工作, 想在下周完成这项任务。

  11. After running in the national games, she was flat out for a week.

  12. You flatter me immensely!

  13. The music flattered his ears.

  14. He flattered her about her cooking.

  15. The boy flattered on his composition.

  16. The chairman flatters himself on his judgment of people.

  17. They flattered themselves that they would win.

  18. He flattered her with flowers and expensive gifts.

  19. She was flaunting her new fur coat.

  20. The flaw in this stamp makes it less valuable.
    这张邮票因为有点缺陷, 不那么值钱。

  21. Samuel has fled.

  22. Why does she always flee any kind of responsibility?

  23. He never flees away at the first sight of danger.

  24. All the animals fled from the fire.

  25. He fled from his duty.

  26. When the bombing started, the population fled to places of safety.
    轰炸开始时, 人们逃到了安全地带。

  27. In the winter, sheep have thick fleeces.
    冬天, 绵羊的毛很厚。

  28. They fleeced us at that hotel.

  29. The Dutch fleet is sailing up the Thames.

  30. He made his money with a fleet of moving vans.

  31. The flesh of the peach was sweet and juicy.

  32. His life was devoted to the pleasure of the flesh.

  33. Copper wire is flexible.

  34. He has a flexible mind.

  35. We need a foreign policy that is more flexible.

  36. Copper wire is flexile.

  37. He has a flexile mind.

  38. We need a foreign policy that is more flexile.

  39. He flicked the dust from his suit.

  40. He gave a flick of the whip.

  41. The candle-light flickered in the wind.

  42. The idea of flight had been kicking around for centuries before man actually achieved it.
    在人们真正能上天飞行之前, 飞行这种想法早已存在数百年了。

  43. I’ve booked you on a direct flight to Paris.

  44. A flight of steps led up to the front door.

  45. The police intercepted the flight of the escaped criminal and put him back in jail.

  46. My ambition is to become a film star, but it’s probably just a flight of fancy.
    我的抱负是想成为一名电影明星, 但这也许只是异想天开。

  47. She felt cold in her flimsy dress.

  48. The storm flattened the flimsy wooden huts that the villagers lived in.

  49. The monkey was up the tree, flinging nuts to the ground.

  50. The angry father flung the door open and marched into his daughter’s room.
    父亲怒气冲冲地把门猛地推开, 大步走进女儿的房间。

  51. Let’s have a fling and eat at that expensive restaurant for a change.
    咱们痛快一下, 到那间高级餐馆吃一顿换换口味。

  52. I wish the children would stop flinging their clothes about, but put them away tidily.
    我希望孩子们把衣服整齐地放在一边, 不要到处乱扔。

  53. Don’t fling your arms and legs about like that. Make the proper swimming strokes.
    别这样乱划乱蹬, 要采用正确的游泳姿势。

  54. Our new neighbor is always flinging his money about, with his color television and his new car every year.
    我们的新邻居为了摆阔气总是乱花钱, 每年买一台彩色电视和一辆新车。

  55. The youth club leader was unpopular with the young people because he was always flinging his weight about.
    青年俱乐部的领导人总爱发号施令, 所以不受青年人的欢迎。

  56. I wish the children would stop flinging their clothes around, but put them away tidily.
    我希望孩子们把衣服整齐地放在一边, 不要到处乱扔。

  57. Don’t fling your arms and legs around like that. Make the proper swimming strokes.
    别这样乱划乱蹬, 要采用正确的游泳姿势。

  58. Our new neighbor is always flinging his money around, with his color television and his new car every year.
    我们的新邻居为了摆阔气总是乱花钱, 每年买一台彩色电视和一辆新车。

  59. The youth club leader was unpopular with the young people because he was always flinging his weight around.
    青年俱乐部的领导人总爱发号施令, 所以不受青年人的欢迎。

  60. The carpenter flung aside his tools in a rage.

  61. Flinging aside the wishes of his parents, the student went abroad for a year before returning to his university.
    这个学生违拗父母的愿望, 出国一年后才返回学校。

  62. These rules are not made to be flung aside lightly.

  63. Once he got rich, he flung aside his old friends.
    他一发财, 就不理他的老朋友了。

  64. Those boys have been flinging stones at passing cars.

  65. Why has she been flinging charges of rudeness at me?

  66. Don’t fling yourself at that boy.

  67. When I bit into the apple, and finding it wormy, I flung it away.
    我咬了一口苹果, 发现有虫子, 就把它扔掉了。

  68. You shouldn’t fling away a chance like that.

  69. You flung away that last line. We couldn’t hear you.
    你最后一行读得太马虎, 我们听不清楚。

  70. Flinging back her head, she laughed and laughed.
    她把头往后一仰, 大笑不止。

  71. Fling back the ball to me.

  72. He flung his books down on the ground and ran after the other children.
    他把书往地下一扔, 就去追其他的孩子了。

  73. The soldiers flung themselves down when they heard the bombs.
    士兵们听到炸弹落下的声音时, 迅速扑倒在地。

  74. By calling the election at this time, the government has flung down the gauntlet to the opposing parties.

  75. The workers in all the clothing factories flung down their tools, demanding more pay.
    所有服装厂的工人们都罢了工, 要求增加工资。

  76. He opened the door and flung the parcel in.
    他打开门, 把包裹扔了进去。

  77. Jim has flung in his studies.

  78. If you buy the furniture, the store will fling in a television set.
    如果你想买家具, 商店会赠送你一台电视机。

  79. There was no need to fling in that rude remark.

  80. He flung it in my teeth that I was a toady.

  81. It’s sad to see that he’s flung in his lot with criminals.

  82. Don’t fling your clothes into the drawer; put them in neatly.
    不要把你的衣服随便往抽屉里一扔, 把它们整齐地放在里面。

  83. The explosion flung him into the sea.

  84. The criminal was flung into prison as soon as he was found guilty.

  85. I wasn’t able to fling a word into the argument the whole time.
    在整个辩论过程中, 我没能插进一句话。

  86. His speech flung the meeting into confusion.

  87. She flung all her energies into her work.

  88. It’s good to fling off heavy clothing now that spring is here.
    春天到了, 脱去笨重的冬装真让人高兴。

  89. The criminals tried to fling off the police, but failed and were caught.
    罪犯企图摆脱警察, 但是没成功, 被抓获了。

  90. The young tennis player will never be able to fling off the experienced competitors.

  91. When this material burns, it flings off a nasty smell.

  92. I can fling off a poem in half an hour.

  93. Before you fling off a remark like that, think what you’re saying.
    在你漫不经心地说这种话之前, 应先考虑考虑要说些什么。

  94. They flung their money on the table and left.

  95. If the judge finds you guilty, you can only fling yourself on his mercy.
    如果法官发现你有罪, 你就只能请求他宽恕了。

  96. The explosion flung out bits of metal in all directions.
    爆炸时, 弹片四飞。

  97. When the train crashed, many passengers were flung out onto the lines.
    火车相撞时, 很多旅客被抛到了铁路上。

  98. I really must fling out all these old newspapers.

  99. She turned and flung out of the room without another word.
    她一言不发, 气呼呼地转身走了。

  100. The old lady was flung out of the house because the owner wanted to pull it down.
    因为房东要拆掉这所房子, 所以这位老太太被赶了出来。