15301 ~ 15400

  1. It took him a long time to get over his cold.

  2. She seemed to have got over her distress.

  3. Can we just get this questioning over with?

  4. He’s got possession of the house for 10 years.

  5. We’ve bought the house, but we can’t get possession of it before July.
    我们买下了这所房子, 但要到七月份才算实际拥有。

  6. It is difficult to get rid of insects.

  7. How to get rid of these things is a big problem.

  8. Let’s get this problem right once and for all.

  9. The story has got round—everyone knows about it.

  10. It may take time, but we’ll get round.
    这事可能要费时间, 但我们可以回避。

  11. Does Abell get round a great deal?

  12. That child can always get round you and get what it wants.
    那个孩子总是会哄人, 要的东西都能得到。

  13. Tom’s trying to get round his father to buy him a car.

  14. I promised to repair the doorknob, but I had never got round to it.
    我答应要修门把, 可我抽不出时间修。

  15. After a long delay, he got round to writing the letter.
    耽搁了很久以后, 他找到时间写这封信。

  16. We should have very little difficulty getting him round to our way of thinking.

  17. She is well-intentioned, but her tactless manner tends to get people’s backs up.
    她倒是一片好心, 但方法不当容易使人生气。

  18. As she passed the shop, her eye was got by a blue dress displayed in the window.
    当她走过商店时, 橱窗中陈列的一件蓝色外衣引起了她的注意。

  19. What got my goat was the way she kept laughing at my mistakes.

  20. I used to think he was a friend of mine, but now I’ve got his number; he’s completely selfish.
    我一向认为他是我的朋友, 但现在我算把他看透了, 他完全是个自私自利的人。

  21. The new employee was useless and so the management got shot of him after only a week.
    新来的雇员没有什么用处, 所以资方在用了一个星期后就将他辞退了。

  22. He’s finally told us the price—now we’re getting somewhere!
    他终于把价格告诉了我们, 现在我们总算有了点结果了!

  23. Joe is sad because he just got the air from his girlfriend.
    乔很伤心, 因为他失恋了。

  24. Which side got the best of it?

  25. He got the best of that deal.

  26. They got the best of the bargain.

  27. If you work hard, you will get the better of your classmates.
    如果你努力学习, 你将胜过同班同学。

  28. Ade got the try-outs the business but he failed to make the team.
    艾德选拔时全力以赴, 但未被选上。

  29. Brooks got the business when Haas caught him with his watch.
    哈斯抓到偷他的手表的布鲁克斯时, 狠狠地揍了他一顿。

  30. The boss got her the business when Cage came late again.
    凯奇又迟到了, 老板痛责了她一顿。

  31. To get married first and then get a job is getting the cart before the horse.

  32. We got the drop on the criminal.

  33. Both cowboys started to reach for their guns, but the police got the drop on them both.
    两个牛仔刚要掏枪, 警察却抢先制住了他们。

  34. The pretty girl got the eye as she walked past the boys on the street corner.

  35. You’ll soon get the feel of the new job.

  36. He was very careless in his work, so he really deserved to get the gate.
    他工作极不细心, 所以他被开除是应该的。

  37. Joe is sad because he just got the gate from his girlfriend.
    乔很难过, 因为他刚被他的女朋友甩了。

  38. Be smart, for they get the heels of us.
    加油, 他们超过我们了!

  39. While all our plans were still in the blueprint stage, our competitors got the jump on us by announcing their new model.
    我们的全部设计还在蓝图阶段, 我们的对手已抢在我们之前预告了他们的新式样了。

  40. Will you come to my party next Saturday?I’m getting the key to the door.
    我就到了法定年龄了, 下个星期六你来参加我的成年人聚会吗?

  41. I want this work finished before you go home—got the message?

  42. You can’t possibly get the picture.

  43. If you don’t improve, you will get the push.
    如果你不改进的话, 你将被解雇。

  44. Don’t let your feeling get the upper hand over you.

  45. Which side got the worst of the battle?

  46. They got the worst of the bargain.

  47. You’ll get there in the end if you work hard!
    你如果努力工作, 最终会达到目的的。

  48. The passage is too narrow for cars to get through.
    通道太窄, 汽车过不去。

  49. Our message doesn’t seem to have got through, we’ve had no reply through it was sent several days ago.
    我们的信件看来没有收到, 因为已经寄了好几天了, 可至今还没有接到回音。

  50. I’ve pile of papers to get through before the meeting.

  51. I rang you several times but wasn’t able to get through.
    我几次打电话给你, 都没有打通。

  52. I got through the novel in one evening.

  53. He has got through all the money I lent him.

  54. Mary could hardly get through to Jack.

  55. I can’t get through to him that he must have a good rest.

  56. Have we got to the zoo yet?

  57. Now let’s get to the real work.

  58. They soon got to talking to each other.

  59. We must try to get to the essence of things.

  60. It was too late by the time he got to the authorities.

  61. We must get to the bottom of the matter.

  62. Time is short; let’s get to business.
    时间不多了, 咱们开始工作吧。

  63. He talked a lot, but never really got to grips with the subject.
    他说了很多, 但是没有真正谈到正题。

  64. All the members of the family get together once a year.

  65. He got them together to talk matters over.

  66. Enough volunteers were got together to keep the beaches all through the summer.
    足够的志愿人员已组织起来, 使海滩在整个夏天保持了清洁。

  67. They are trying to get the data together.

  68. We had to get tough with him.

  69. One’s not often got two bites at a cherry in the world of business.
    在商界, 机会一去难再来。

  70. Getting up early is a very good habit.

  71. They got the soldiers up well before dawn.

  72. It’s high time you were able to get yourself up, my boy!
    现在你应该可以不要人叫就自己起床了, 我的孩子!

  73. He fell down on the road and was too weak to get up.
    他摔倒在路上, 身体太虚弱, 站都站不起来。

  74. The patient was so weak that the nurse was unable to get him up.
    这病人弱得很, 护士扶都扶不起来。

  75. Get up the ladder, and I’ll pass the paint up.
    把梯子竖起来, 我要把油漆递上去。

  76. People on shore greeted the new 10, 000 liner by waving their arms as it was getting up.
    当新造的万吨巨轮驶近时, 岸上的人们挥臂欢迎。

  77. The soldiers have got their equipment up to the front line.

  78. There is a strong wind getting up.

  79. Then our car got up speed.

  80. We get Grandfather up as Father Christmas.

  81. Helen got up her hair before going to the dinner party.

  82. The children were all beautifully got up on Children’s Day.

  83. She got herself up very attractively.

  84. He is good at getting things up for parties.

  85. The scheme was well got up.

  86. He is getting up his maths for the exam.
    他正在温习数学, 准备考试。

  87. He could not get up an atom of sympathy for her.

  88. His selfishness really gets up my nose.

  89. The train has to get up steam again after a stop.
    火车停了以后, 启动时又得慢慢加速。

  90. Get up steam, and you will be sure to succeed.
    加把劲, 你一定会成功的。

  91. I was just getting up steam to get to the summit of mountain.

  92. I had just got up to their boat when a strong wind hit us.
    我刚要赶上他们的船, 就遭到一股强风袭击。

  93. I’ve got up to page 110 in the book.

  94. He gets up to all sorts of tricks.

  95. You’d never believe the things that were got up to by those boys.

  96. How could he have got wind of our plans?

  97. The burglar made his getaway across the roof.

  98. She looks ridiculous in that getup.

  99. We had a ghastly holiday; it rained all the time.
    我们的假日过得十分不愉快, 整天下雨。

  100. It’s a ghastly murder I ever heard.