17101 ~ 17200

  1. She had ants in her pants ever since she won that ticket to Bermuda.

  2. It’s dangerous to have a gun around the house.

  3. I have some money somewhere around me.

  4. I have a thing around celery. I can’t stand it.
    我很讨厌芹菜, 我无法忍受它(的味道)。

  5. They have as much chance as a snowflake in hell.

  6. The two men had at each other with fists and feet.

  7. He fought bravely, haveing his enemies at bay.
    他英勇战斗, 阻止住了敌人向前推进。

  8. When can you let me have back the money that I lent you?

  9. What you said had not much bearing on the problem.

  10. Don’t worry about leaving all the arrangements to him.He has broad enough shoulders.
    把全部准备工作交给他就放心吧, 他是很能挑重担的。

  11. She has credit with the boss.

  12. The man has designs on your money.

  13. She doesn’t let him have egg on his face in public.

  14. How did you know I was behind you?You must have eyes in the back of your head.

  15. We have a lot of fun in the park.

  16. I have no fun in spending the evening doing nothing.

  17. I had great fun playing cards with them.

  18. I’m surprised you haven’t had enough of him yet.

  19. I’ve had enough of their continual chatter.

  20. This old TV has had it—it’s time we bought a new one.
    这台旧电视已经不行了, 我们该买台新的了。

  21. I’ve had it! I’m going home.

  22. Do we have enough wine in for the dinner party?

  23. He had his friends in for coffee on Sunday afternoon.

  24. I had those fools in utter contempt.

  25. He has got the election in his pocket.

  26. Even before he plunges into his program, he has his audience in his pocket.
    他的节目甚至还没有出场, 就已控制住了观众。

  27. I have it on the best authority that we will be paid for our work next week.
    我从最可靠的方面得到消息, 我们下星期就可以领到工资。

  28. Bobby must have it his way and play the game by his rules.

  29. Rumors have it that the school was burned down.

  30. Mary wanted to give the party at her house, but her mother wouldn’t have it.
    玛丽想在家里举行聚会, 可是她母亲不答应。

  31. When the senators vote, the ayes will have it.
    参议员投票时, 投赞成票的人将占多数。

  32. “I have it!” said John to Mary, “We can buy mother a nice comb for her birthday.

  33. You cannot have it both ways. You must either stay home or come with us.
    你不可能一身二用, 要不你留在家里, 要不就跟我们一起去。

  34. Such a system is fine for those who have it in them to succeed.

  35. One of the teachers really has it in for Charlie—she shouts at him all the time.

  36. I couldn’t see the point of letting him have it his own way.

  37. She had already had a large hand in the matter.

  38. Brenda has long ears; someday, she’s going to hear something that will upset her.
    布伦达爱打听别人的事情, 总有一天, 她会听到使她心烦意乱的事情。

  39. I have many demands on my time.

  40. I have many demands on my money.

  41. I’ve never seen anyone spend so much in one evening; he must have money to burn!
    我从未见过一晚上就挥霍掉这么多钱的人, 他一定有的是钱。

  42. When Joe is twenty-one he will have money to burn.

  43. You have no business to do that.

  44. The weather has no business to be so hot in spring.

  45. He had no business getting mixed up in such a matter.

  46. You have no choice but to give up.
    你别无选择, 只能投降。

  47. I have no conception of what he means.

  48. Whatever you may say, I have no concern with that.
    不管你说什么, 我都和那件事无关。

  49. I have no illusions about his ability.

  50. It’s no good asking him for a contribution; you’ll have no joy from him.
    不必要他捐助什么, 从他那里你得不到什么。

  51. I advise you to have no truck with that man.

  52. I shall have no truck with such people.

  53. This has nothing to do with you.

  54. Mary had on her new dress.

  55. Do you have time on?

  56. I’m sorry I can’t attend your party, but I have a meeting on for that night.
    对不起, 我不能参加你们的聚会, 因为那天晚上我有个会要参加。

  57. The old man has one foot in the grave.

  58. He has retired from competition now, but he had his day when he won the all-England championship.
    他现在已退出比赛, 但他曾有过赢得全英格兰冠军称号的全盛时期。

  59. I’m surprised you didn’t have your ears burning last night because we were talking about you.
    我奇怪的是昨晚当我们在谈论你的时候, 你居然感觉不到。

  60. Don’t expect him to help you.He has his hands full already.
    别指望他帮你, 他已经够忙的了。

  61. He looks very rough, but he has his heart in the right place.
    他看上去很粗鲁, 但心地却很善良。

  62. I don’t know why, but she’s really had her knife in him at the moment.
    我不知道什么原因, 只知道她现在还对他怀恨在心。

  63. She has had her knife into the neighbors after the argument about the new fence.
    为新栅栏的事争论后, 她对邻居有了敌意。

  64. God, I have my moments.
    天哪, 我居然也有得意的时候。

  65. You’ve always had your nose in a book.

  66. The workmen are to have their say about the new factory.

  67. He always has to have his say, even if he knows nothing about the subject.
    即使对某个题目一无所知, 他也总会发表自己的意见。

  68. You have to have your wits about you in a dangerous situation.
    在危急的情况下, 你得随机应变。

  69. You have only to tell me which one you want to choose.

  70. He’s had possession of the house for 10 years.

  71. We’ve bought the house, but we can’t have possession of it before July.
    我们买下了这所房子, 但要到七月份才算实际拥有。

  72. The enemy may have recourse to steel instead of poison.

  73. My blue coat is ten years old, it has seen better days.
    我那件蓝色大衣已有十年历史, 太旧了。

  74. John had a number of irons in the fire, and he managed to keep all of them hot.
    约翰同时要做许多事情, 他设法把它们做得很好。

  75. He has parliamentary procedure and the rules and traditions of the House of Commons at his fingertips.

  76. I’ve got a few ideas in my sleeve if this method doesn’t work.
    如果这个方法没有用, 我自有妙计。

  77. I’ve got a few ideas up my sleeve if this method doesn’t work.
    如果这个方法没有用, 我自有妙计。

  78. Which side had the best of it?

  79. He had the best of that deal.

  80. They had the best of the bargain.

  81. If you work hard, you will have the better of your classmates.
    如果你努力学习, 你将胜过同班同学。

  82. They have the courage of their convictions.

  83. They have the courage of their opinions.

  84. What he says is probably true because he has the ear of the Queen.
    他说的事情也许是真的, 因为他有见到女王的机会。

  85. I didn’t think you can have his ear.

  86. Ade had the edge on his opponent.

  87. Ade had the edge over his opponent.

  88. I don’t know how you can have the face to see her after all the lies you have told.

  89. He might have had the grace to say he was sorry!

  90. We all have the grace to do what you’ll ask us to do.

  91. Be smart, for they have the heels of us.
    加油, 他们超过我们了!

  92. While all our plans were still in the blueprint stage, our competitors had the jump on us by announcing their new model.
    我们的全部设计还在蓝图阶段, 我们的对手已抢在我们之前预告了他们的新式样了。

  93. Will you come to my party next Saturday?I’m having the key to the door.
    我就到了法定年龄了, 下个星期六你来参加我的成年人聚会吗?

  94. In our company the manager has the last word.

  95. I’ll have the law of you, you thief!
    你这个贼, 我要控告你!

  96. I’ll have the law on you, you thief!
    你这个贼, 我要控告你!

  97. They had the worst of the bargain.

  98. I have no one to thank for all my suffering except myself.
    我受这些苦不能怨别人, 只能怨我自己。

  99. He had only himself to thank for his loss.

  100. I have some trouble (in) reading the letter. His handwriting is very bad.
    我读这封信很费劲, 他的字很差。