17701 ~ 17800

  1. The sailors hoisted the cargo onto the deck.

  2. The war hoisted prices.

  3. Hold the baby a minute, please.

  4. She was holding her sides with laughter.

  5. I hold that this is a right decision.

  6. The law still holds.

  7. They have strengthened their hold on the troops.

  8. There are no holds for the hands on the wall.

  9. I asked Jack for his political views, but he said he preferred to hold aloof.
    我问起杰克的政治观点, 他说他宁可避而不谈。

  10. He fought bravely, holding his enemies at bay.
    他英勇战斗, 阻止住了敌人向前推进。

  11. He was so impatient that I could hardly hold him back.
    他是那样急躁, 我简直拉不住他。

  12. They built dykes and dam to hold back the rising flood waters.

  13. She couldn’t hold back her tears any longer and wept aloud.
    她再也忍不住了, 大声哭泣起来。

  14. Though very angry, I held back from telling him exactly what I thought.
    尽管我非常生气, 仍克制自己未将我的感想告诉他。

  15. They felt that she was holding back something.

  16. We must have the whole story; don’t hold anything back.
    我们必须了解全部情况, 你什么也别隐瞒。

  17. She held back, not knowing what to do or say.
    她犹豫起来, 不知该做什么或该说什么。

  18. Do not hold back the truth.

  19. He took a dictionary to hold down the test papers for fear that they might be blown away by the wind.
    他拿了本词典压住试卷, 以防被风吹走。

  20. We must hold down the tents because of the strong wind.
    风很大, 我们必须把帐篷固定好。

  21. The government has done something to hold down food prices.

  22. They tried every means to hold down the workers on strike.

  23. You won’t be able to hold such a man down.

  24. The whole nation was held down by the cruel rule of the king.

  25. Hold fast to the rope, and I will put you up.
    抓紧绳子, 我把你拉上来。

  26. He holds fast to climbing the hill.

  27. I’ve never seen anyone who could hold forth so long.

  28. When we left the room, he was still holding forth on his adventures.
    我们离开那房间时, 他还在侃侃而谈他的历险记。

  29. Senator Smith held forth a suggestion.

  30. He held a magazine in his hand.

  31. The young mother held her baby tightly in the arms.

  32. She was holding her hands in her face.

  33. They all held him in great esteem.

  34. She is held in estimation by those who know her.

  35. I hold those fools in utter contempt.

  36. We hold Peter in high scorn.

  37. He held off for half an hour because of the rain.
    因为下雨, 他晚了半个小时才动身。

  38. They’re holding off their decision because of changing conditions.
    由于情况变化, 他们迟迟不作决定。

  39. For several days, we held off the attacks of a great number of enemy soldiers.

  40. His cold manner holds people off.

  41. Hold on for a minute, I’ve just got to put on my make-up.
    等一会儿, 我得化装一下。

  42. Hold on, Zhang Long!
    抓紧, 张龙!

  43. He asked me to hold on while he left the telephone to find a pencil.
    他让我别挂电话, 他去找一枝铅笔。

  44. If he can just hold on a little longer, we can get help to him.
    如果他能再坚持一会儿, 我们就能使他得到帮助了。

  45. He was determined to hold on this job whatever difficulties he might run into.
    他下定决心, 不管碰到什么困难, 都要坚持做这工作。

  46. We held our breath in excitement.

  47. We all held our breath till the bomb burst.

  48. He knew the matter very well, but held his cards close to his chest.
    他知道这件事, 但是守口如瓶。

  49. I don’t know why he held his cards close to his chest.

  50. If I tell you the secret, will you hold your cards close to your chest?
    如果我告诉你这个秘密, 你能守口如瓶吗?

  51. Albert managed to hold his ground in that field.

  52. He always tries to hold his ground even though he is wrong.
    即使错了, 他也总是试图固执己见。

  53. I begged you to hold your hand.

  54. Now that the case against me has been dismissed, I can once again hold my head up in public.
    由于对我不利的判决已经撤销, 我可重新在公共场合昂首挺胸了。

  55. Mr Adams can’t hold his liquor as he used to, so tell them not to keep filling his glass.
    亚当斯先生已不像过去那样酒量很大, 所以叫他们不要不断地给他倒酒。

  56. She was unable to hold her own, and she had to quit.
    她总赶不上别人, 所以只好辞职了。

  57. The team held its own after the first quarter.

  58. He had a hard time after the operation, but soon he was holding his own.
    他在手术后有一段艰苦的时期, 但很快就好了。

  59. My child holds onto my hand tightly while we cross the street.
    横穿马路时, 孩子紧拉着我的手不放。

  60. You should hold onto your oil shares.
    你应当握紧你手中的石油股票, 不要卖出。

  61. They held out the hand of friendship to me.

  62. She held out her new skirt for us to see.

  63. In his speech he held out a special example.

  64. The rescue team hoped the men on the boat could hold out till they arrived.

  65. We must hold out till victory.

  66. Our soldiers held out against the enemy’s attacks for a week.

  67. The workers are still holding out for higher wages.

  68. I hope this good weather will hold out for another week.

  69. This state of things holds out a cheerful prospect.

  70. She didn’t tell me she had been there; she’s been holding out on me.
    她没有跟我说她到过那儿, 她一直瞒着我。

  71. The doctors held out no hope of her recovery.

  72. He holds out some hope of marrying her.

  73. The meeting holds over until next week.

  74. Let’s hold over discussion of this problem until our next meeting.

  75. The matter was held over until the next meeting.

  76. Would you please hold over the rest of the goods?

  77. They are going to hold that movie over for a week again; it’s very successful.
    他们打算把那部影片再继续上映一周, 上座率非常好。

  78. This dictionary will hold the field.

  79. At the approach of cold weather, the troops were unable to keep holding the field.
    寒冷的天气到来时, 部队无力继续作战。

  80. Hold the line please.

  81. In those years, he held the reins of government.

  82. Hold to my hand while we cross the street.
    我们过马路时, 你要抓住我的手。

  83. The ship held to its course in spite of the storm.
    尽管遇上了暴风雨, 轮船还是没有改变航向。

  84. Whatever your argument, I shall hold to my decision.
    不论你如何争辩, 我将坚持我的决定。

  85. They hold together for collective security.

  86. The country needs a leader who will hold the nation together.

  87. Hold up your hands if you have any question.

  88. She was holding up an umbrella when I saw her in the street.
    我在街上看到她时, 她手里撑着把伞。

  89. He held up the map so it could be seen more clearly.
    他举起地图, 这样可以看得更清楚些。

  90. Don’t worry. The house will hold up.
    别担心, 房子不会倒下来。

  91. I thought that no one else could hold up such pain.

  92. We had planned to finish the work before dark, but the heavy rain held us up.
    我们原计划在天黑以前干完这项工作, 可给大雨耽搁了。

  93. Two policemen held up a truck so as to inspect the driver’s license.

  94. The building of the new road has been held up by bad weather.

  95. They held up the owner and robbed him of everything.
    他们劫持了货主, 并抢走了他的所有东西。

  96. Two young men were reported to have held up a bank last week.
    据报道, 上周有两个年轻人抢劫了银行。

  97. That bank has been held up three times.

  98. Don’t hold me up as a model.

  99. I hope that the fine weather will hold up for some more days.

  100. If the weather holds up, I’ll be very glad.
    如果这种天气持续下去, 我就高兴了。