30401 ~ 30500

  1. They decided to put the meeting off until after Christmas.

  2. Owing to the state of the ground, the match has been put off.
    由于场地状况不佳, 比赛推迟了。

  3. The appointment was put off because of his illness.

  4. If you think you are sick you should not put off going to the doctor.
    如果你觉得有病就不应该拖, 要快去看医生。

  5. I wanted to say something, but her face quite put me off.
    我本来要说几句, 但看到她的脸色, 又没有勇气开口了。

  6. We are going there tomorrow — not even bad weather could put us off.
    我们明天要去那儿, 即使天气不好也要去。

  7. They had intended going into the country for the day, but were put off by reports of traffic jams.
    他们本来打算那天到乡下去, 但听说交通拥挤就作罢了。

  8. Ask the conductor to put you off at the Odeon.

  9. Where do you want to be put off?

  10. I don’t like music playing when I’m working. It puts me off.
    我不喜欢工作时放音乐, 那会使我分心。

  11. If I am once put off I find it very difficult to recapture the same train of thought.
    我一旦受到打扰, 发觉自己很难回到原来的思路上来。

  12. Please put off all the lights as you leave the building.
    离开这所房子时, 请你把所有的灯都关上。

  13. Under the official regulations the central heating was put off on March 15th each year.
    据正式规定, 每年3月15日停止供应暖气。

  14. When he asked her to name a day for their wedding, she put him off.
    当他要她订个结婚的日子时, 她却支支吾吾不说。

  15. I’m not going to be put off with that excuse.

  16. I won’t be put off with such vague promises.

  17. Please put off your shoes before entering this holy building.
    在进入这所神圣的殿堂之前, 请把鞋脱掉。

  18. You must put off your doubts.

  19. He had put off all personal cares.

  20. The sudden noise put her off her game.

  21. He put on his best clothes for the party.

  22. He put on his hat and went out of the office without a word.
    他戴上帽子, 一言未发走出了办公室。

  23. The trees have put on their new coats of green.

  24. Put the plates gently on the table, they are very delicate.
    把碟子轻轻放在桌上, 这些碟子非常易碎。

  25. They are going to put on Hamlet.

  26. We are going to put on an exhibition of cultural relics next Tuesday.

  27. He puts on a smile which makes other people feel be.
    他装出一副笑脸, 这使人们更信任他。

  28. Her modesty is all put on; at heart she is very vain.
    她的谦逊全是假装的, 内心里她是很虚荣的。

  29. He has put on weight during the last two months.

  30. The rise in taxation will put pounds on the cost of living.

  31. She put the radio on to listen to the news.

  32. He put the lunch on immediately after he came home.

  33. The workers are bringing things to put on the ship.

  34. The fishermen are putting on their boat.

  35. Extra buses are put on during rush hours.

  36. Many people are putting their money on Jim to win the race.
    许多人下了赌注, 认为吉姆会赢得这场赛跑比赛。

  37. Why are you trying to put the blame on me?

  38. Who are you putting on the special report?

  39. I know you well; don’t put on a show.
    我很了解你, 别装相了。

  40. It’s a great pity that she puts on such airs all the time.
    她总是装腔作势, 真是非常遗憾。

  41. John wasn’t really angry, he was putting on an act.
    约翰并未真生气, 他是在装样子。

  42. The council has put its road-widening scheme on ice until it has the money to pay for it.

  43. She told her pupils to put on their thinking caps before answering questions.

  44. The two candidates went on television to put their ideas on record.

  45. He put it on record.

  46. I like our manager because he’s a genuine person and never puts on side.
    我很喜欢我们的经理, 因为他坦率真诚从不摆架子。

  47. The Whites settled down, bought a house, and put on the dog.
    怀特一家定居下来, 买了房子, 大摆其阔。

  48. When he saw us, he began to put on the dog.

  49. Her performance in that play really put her on the map as a comedy actress.

  50. The discovery of oil put that country on the map.

  51. I think you have put him on the spot.

  52. You will finish the job much quicker if you put your back into it.
    只要你全力以赴, 你就会很快完成任务。

  53. You’ll have to put your best foot forward if you want to pass the examination.
    如果你想通过考试, 你就得全力以赴。

  54. The doctor was able to treat the disease although he could not put his finger on the exact cause.
    医生能治这种病, 不过他不能指出确切的病因。

  55. Something’s wrong with this room, but I can’t quite put my finger on what it is.
    这个房间里有些不对头, 但我无法明确地指出那是什么。

  56. I haven’t been able to put my finger on the book you requested.

  57. Let’s put our heads together and decide on a plan of action.
    让我们集思广益, 决定一项行动计划。

  58. You say you’re on the side of the workers; why don’t you put your money where your mouth is and support the strike?
    你说你站在工人一边, 那你为什么不拿出实际行动来支持罢工呢?

  59. He put his name down for the society.

  60. The young man who said laboring was beneath his dignity finally put his pride in his pocket and got a job as a kitchen porter.
    那个说过干活儿有失其身份的年轻人最终只能忍辱, 做了厨房搬运工的工作。

  61. The horse lost, and Jim had put his shirt on it!
    这匹马输了, 而吉姆把钱全押在了这匹马身上!

  62. The only way we’ll complete the job on time is for everyone to put our shoulders to the wheel.

  63. It’s rude to put out your tongues at people.

  64. As the spring is coming, all the trees are beginning to put out green buds.
    春天来了, 树木都开始吐出绿色的嫩芽。

  65. They quickly put out the fire.

  66. Smoking is forbidden here. Please put your cigarette out.
    这里禁止吸烟, 请将您的烟熄灭。

  67. The fire was soon put out.

  68. The engine puts out thirty horsepower.

  69. This engine puts out more electric current than the other one.

  70. The government will put out a new statement tomorrow.

  71. This magazine is put out every Friday.

  72. A coast guard boat put out through the waves.

  73. We put out the washing.

  74. All repairs are done on the premises and not put out.
    全部修缮都在家里进行, 不用送到外面去做。

  75. I had considered becoming a model, but I soon put the idea out of my head when I got married and started a family.
    我曾想要当一个模特, 但我结婚有了家庭后, 马上就放弃了那个念头。

  76. The dying man was suffering so much that we thought it kinder to put him out of his misery.
    那个垂死的人难受得不得了, 所以我们认为让他一死了之更为仁慈些。

  77. Tell me the end of the story—put me out of my misery.
    告诉我故事的结果吧, 别让我焦急地等了。

  78. You can’t put a 32-year-old man out to grass.

  79. It’s about time this old sewing machine was put out to pasture.

  80. They were so old; they should have been put out to pasture years ago.
    他们如此年迈, 多年前就该叫他们退休了。

  81. He wasn’t elected because he didn’t put his ideas over clearly enough.
    他没当选, 因为他不能清楚地表达他的想法。

  82. I’d like to put the meeting over till Saturday so as not to interfere with my work.

  83. He put over a complex and difficult business deal.

  84. Is it too late to recognize the mistake and try to put it right?

  85. I don’t want to put him to the expense of buying me dinner.

  86. He’s so conceited that when she refused his invitation, it really put his nose out of joint.
    他很自负, 所以当她拒绝他的邀请时可真锉了他的锐气。

  87. She put the bite on me so that she could buy a pair of new shoes.
    她向我借钱, 以便可以买一双新鞋。

  88. A co-worker of his found out about his prison record and began to put the bite on him.
    他的一个同事知道了他坐过牢, 就向他敲竹杠。

  89. She’ll put the blame on us if it turns out badly.
    如果这件事结果不好, 她会怪我们的。

  90. To get married first and then get a job is putting the cart before the horse.

  91. The new security guard is a burglar— that’ll put the cat among the pigeons.

  92. How did you know I was here? Who’s been putting the finger on me?

  93. These latest regulations put the lid on our plans.

  94. He thought I was nearly forty, but I soon put the record straight.
    他认为我已近40岁了, 但我及时对此作了更正。

  95. At last we successfully put through the business deal.

  96. The police put him through a severe examination.

  97. They put all the students through the replacement examination.

  98. The trainees were put through an assault course.

  99. Please put me through to the Manager.

  100. These proposals have to be put through several committees.