33001 ~ 33100

  1. The coal industry is running down.

  2. This exhausting work is enough to run everyone down.

  3. He is quite run down and needs a vacation.
    他的身体太虚弱, 需要休假。

  4. His action ran foul of the law.

  5. Would you run in and bring my ball?

  6. Let’s run in and see our parents this morning.

  7. I will run you in if the bus isn’t going into the town because of the snow today.
    如果今天公共汽车因为下雪不送你进城的话, 我会开车送你去的。

  8. The ship has to run into the harbor when the sudden storm arises.
    风暴骤起, 轮船只得急忙躲进海港。

  9. This river runs into the Atlantic Ocean.

  10. I ran into Bob yesterday on main street.

  11. He has run into trouble in his job.

  12. We ran into the country today and had a wonderful day.
    我们今天到乡下转了一圈, 玩得很愉快。

  13. Uncle will ran us into town to buy a color TV set.

  14. They had debts running into thousands of pounds.

  15. She was so sleepy that she ran into a lamppost.
    她如此困倦, 以致撞到路灯杆上。

  16. Paul got out of control of his car and ran it into a lamppost.
    保罗没能把汽车控制住, 结果把它撞到路灯柱子上去了。

  17. This lawsuit ran him into a fix.

  18. By working 13 hours a day, she is running herself into the ground.
    她一天工作13个小时, 把自己搞得筋疲力尽。

  19. Before the end of the holiday, my money was running very low.
    还没到假期结束, 我的钱就快用完了。

  20. When the temperature reaches melting point, the metal runs off as a liquid and flows into special modules.
    当温度达到熔点时, 金属就变成液体流出, 并注入特殊的铸模中。

  21. The oil in your engine looks very dirty; get the garage to run it off.
    你的发动机里的油看上去很脏, 叫车库的人替你把油放出来。

  22. You’re too fat; try and run off all those excess pounds.
    你太胖了, 要跑跑步减肥。

  23. The war could run on for another year yet.

  24. He will run on for hours if you don’t stop him.
    如果你不打断他, 他会喋喋不休地讲好几个小时。

  25. Our food soon ran out.

  26. He ran himself out in the first few circles.

  27. The soldiers ran out of ammunition and had to withdraw.
    士兵们用光了弹药, 不得不撤退。

  28. When does the lease of the house run out?

  29. The water is running out.

  30. The water runs out of the pipe into the bucket.

  31. Unless we can supply our forward units, the advance is in danger of running out of steam.
    如果我们不能为前方部队提供给养, 就会面临停滞不前的危险。

  32. He ran out of steam shortly before the end of the race.

  33. Will you run over to the shop and get some butter?

  34. Let’s run over to the Browns’ this evening.

  35. Don’t get a bus. I’ll run you over to the theatre.
    不要去坐公共汽车了, 我开车送你去剧场。

  36. The bath water is running over.

  37. The jeep ran him over.

  38. This box looks as if it’s been run over by a bus.

  39. Captain Hardnose certainly ran that rat over the hill.

  40. As an artist, she can run rings around her brother.
    在艺术方面, 她做得比她的兄弟强。

  41. I seem to have been running round in circles all day and yet I’ve got no progress to show for it.
    我似乎整天忙得团团转, 但忙不出什么结果。

  42. He seemed to be working hard, but was just running round in circles.
    他看起来工作很紧张, 其实不过是在瞎忙一气。

  43. Our money is running short.

  44. He often runs short of money.

  45. Foreign ships and planes refused to run the risk of attack.

  46. Running through the forest in the dark, the boys were greatly afraid.
    孩子们在黑暗中穿过树林, 心里非常害怕。

  47. The river runs through several underground caves which store the water for the city’s use.

  48. Run lots of soapy water through the pipe to clean it.

  49. Father told me to unblock the pipe to let the water run through.
    父亲叫我把管子打通, 让水流过去。

  50. Run some clean water through and then you’ll see its true color.
    让一些清水从中流过, 你就会看出它的真正颜色了。

  51. Please run through these names again from the top of the list.

  52. A feeling of sadness runs through his poetry.

  53. You are running to fat.

  54. The ball ran to the boundary.

  55. Would you like to run to the harbor to look at the ships?

  56. Can I run you to the station?

  57. The police eventually ran him to earth in Paris.

  58. Don’t let all this good food run to waste!

  59. They ran up a flag in honor of the president’s visit.
    为了欢迎总统的来访, 他们升起了一面旗子。

  60. His debts ran up alarmingly.

  61. She ran up a big bill at a hotel.

  62. A sudden pain ran up her leg.

  63. The insect ran up my leg.

  64. A runaway car rolled down a hill and crashed into ten cars.
    一辆失控的车从山上滚下来, 撞了十辆车。

  65. To be safe you should go up a ladder one rung at a time.
    为安全起见, 登梯子时你应该一步一步往上爬。

  66. She is a long-distance runner, and she likes to run marathons.
    她是长跑选手, 喜欢跑马拉松。

  67. He had once been runner-up for the King’s Cup.

  68. She likes running every morning.

  69. That cabin in the woods has running water in the kitchen and the bathroom.
    森林中的那间小木屋里, 厨房和卫生间都有自来水。

  70. That child’s nose is runny because she has a cold.

  71. A jetliner taxied down the runway and took off.
    喷气式飞机沿跑道滑行, 然后起飞。

  72. The rupture of a blood vessel usually cause the mark of a bruise.

  73. They reported that the pipeline had ruptured.

  74. We left the city for a rural home.
    我们离开城市, 去农村安家。

  75. He lived a rural life.

  76. The children thought of a clever ruse to get their mother to leave the house so they could get ready for her surprise.
    孩子们想出一个聪明的办法使妈妈离家, 以便他们能准备晚会给她一个惊喜。

  77. Don’t rush, take your time.
    别急急忙忙的, 慢慢来。

  78. They rushed to see what was happening.

  79. Fans rushed the stage after the concert.
    音乐会结束后, 乐迷涌向舞台。

  80. Please rush me your recent books.

  81. Don’t rush me.I must think it over.
    别催我, 我要仔细想想。

  82. There was a mad rush to seats on the bus.

  83. There’s been a rush to see the new film.

  84. When the rush was over, he insisted that everybody take a day off.
    那一阵忙过之后, 他一定要大家休假一天。

  85. There suddenly rushed into the room a group of small children.

  86. He rushed into the campaign without any political experience.

  87. We must not rush into anything without careful planning.

  88. Don’t rush into marriage; you might regret it later.
    不要匆匆忙忙结婚, 不然你以后也许要后悔的。

  89. Suddenly an idea rushed into my head, “Why not ask Uncle Mark for help?

  90. We may eventually become members of the club, but this is not something that should be rushed into.
    我们也许最终会成为俱乐部成员的, 但不能草率行事。

  91. Don’t let anyone rush you into joining; think it over.
    不要受别人的鼓动而参与某事, 要三思而后行。

  92. I was rushed into buying these fur boots.

  93. Judging by the letters in the newspapers, one infers that many people are anxious to rush into print.
    从报刊的文字判断, 不难看出许多人热衷于仓促出版。

  94. I’m sorry to have to rush off like this.
    我就这样匆忙走掉了, 很抱歉。

  95. Don’t rush off— I haven’t finished.

  96. They rushed out to see the procession.

  97. The children rushed out of school.

  98. Editors rushed out a piece on the crash for the late news.

  99. These bicycles have been rushed out and are not up to our usual standard.
    这些自行车是赶制出来的, 没有达到我们平时的标准。

  100. The new Bill was rushed through Parliament.